About Canine Action Project
Canine Action Project (CAP) is a Canadian registered charity, made up of dedicated volunteers that assists First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan work towards optimal health for their people, animals and the environment through a One Health approach. One Health recognizes the links between human, animal and environmental health and associated community well-being. In working with our target communities to improve the health of their dogs we are helping to achieve healthier, safer balanced communities for people and their dogs.
CAP was founded in 2011 by Kelly Phipps and Monique Schultz and became a Canadian registered charity in February 2013. After realizing that just removing dogs from communities wasn't solving the dog population concerns, CAP began hosting large volume onsite spay/neuter clinics in the Battle River Treaty 6 communities in 2013. It was quickly realized that only focusing on spay/neuter was another band-aid and short term solution. Through collaboration with veterinarians, community leaders and stakeholders, public health, university researchers and various animal welfare organizations, CAP has created an integrated and culturally sensitive approach to assist First Nations communities with long-term and sustainable dog management practices.